Monday 30 November 2015

There's a Secret in Meditation

There's a secret in meditation. It's not that it's purposely kept from us, it's simply that there are no words to describe it, no meaning to define it. One can only point the way for you to discover it for yourself. 


It's a place, a feeling, a sense, a harmony, a connection, it's bliss... it's all of those and yet so much more. It's here, in the now, in those one of a kind moments, like a baby being born or the "I do's" of a marriage. 


It's in nature, all around us, in the rustling of the trees, the beauty of flowers and the songs of the birds.


It's in the sea, the mountains and the forests. It's in the volcanoes and the storms. It's in the clouds, the sky and the stars, it's all through the universe. 


 It's in your best friend's laughter, the sparkle in your loved ones eyes. It is the potential limitless within the perceived limitations. It's between the silence and the sound, it's in art and music.


It's in you, it's the you that is, that always has been and always will be. The you who you don't realise you are and yet know you are. It is the awareness of your thoughts and feelings. 

When you find it, it's like finding the rarest and yet most abundant treasure. You wish you could give it to the world, you wish there were words to describe it or one thing that could show it to everyone but you also realise that it's best discovered.


It is that which dissolves all your problems in a way that transcends them. You experience what it's like to be and know consciousness itself, you understand the purpose of it all, even for a split second only to forget again, but you know that this is part of the plan too because to forget and then remember brings the deepest appreciation of life and consciousness.


 And although you know you've found it, the depth of your experience of it never ends. You feel as though you've unlocked the secret of the world and yet you keep expanding and discovering more...




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