Monday 9 November 2015

8 Benefits I love from Meditation

1. I simply enjoy meditation

In the past, I knew many benefits to meditation so I thought it was a good idea to practice everyday. However, since at that time I felt I should meditate, I was never motivated to, when I tried, I found it difficult and I'd go weeks without meditating. I eventually let go and realised no one has to do anything. I actually meditate daily now but only because I look forward to it and enjoy it. I love the relaxation and peace and I love connecting to my higher self and guides. I enjoy feeling one with everything.

 2. Gratitude

Sometimes during meditation, I practice gratitude or my guides remind me to be grateful. I love remembering how abundant and prosperous my life is, through gratitude I realise how lucky I am to have all of my needs met abundantly and then some! I remember that there are others who lack their basic needs and I feel very lucky to live in such a rich society.


3. De-stress

I usually choose to meditate when I feel stressed and almost immediately feel better. As I sit quietly and go within myself I find relaxation and peace.

 4. Problem Solving

During meditation I connect with my higher self and guides and find solutions to any problems I'm experiencing. I have many great epiphanies during meditation, transcending any limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.

5. Letting go of self doubt

My ego creeps in with thoughts of self doubt but as I meditate I realise it's just old negative thought patterns from the past that aren't true and I'm able to let them go and stop identifying with them. 

6. A Great Start to My Day

I love starting the day with the peace and bliss meditation brings, I feel more energized, clear headed and positive as I start my day.

7. Finding my True Inner Self

As I meditate I go within myself sensing and feeling my true self, the divine energy which is the me beyond this world. I sense myself as one with everyone and everything, knowing that I am the awareness of my thoughts and feelings not the thoughts and feelings themselves. This brings me to know my true self and to know I am whole and fulfilled as I am.

8. The Crazy Wonderful Experiences

Sometimes I have very deep meditations, other times they're apt but weird, sometimes I go on amazing journeys but most of the time I feel amazing. I've felt energy, met guides, understood and known my higher self, seen other worlds, felt all sorts of sensations, seen other people's guides, broken through old negative thought patterns and had amazing epiphanies. My guides have shown me metaphors such as my heart being a walled off castle to show me I've walled myself in. These experiences keep me going back for more.  

What benefits of meditation do you love?

Happy meditating :)



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