Saturday 16 January 2016

Misconceptions About Introverts

I'm an introvert and there's so many misconceptions about us. They're pushed so hard even I've taken them on in the past, believing I had issues I needed to fix, when all along it wasn't an issue at all, it's just part of who I am. 

Introverts prefer more alone time than social time. We enjoy the socialising we do have but if we get too much then we want some time to ourselves to reboot; we seem to take on a lot of energy from other people and need space to catch our breath and let go. We enjoy deep thinking and being alone allows us to contemplate matters important to us. We like to think before we speak and act, we are more inside ourselves than outside and we love to day dream and wonder; we have amazing imaginations.

 I wanted to share some misconceptions to help extroverts better understand introverts, as well as help introverts understand themselves more; through understanding comes appreciation and acceptance.

Misconception 1: "Introverts are shy"

I was a shy kid so I took on this one, but as I've grown and gained confidence, I'm no longer shy. Does that mean I'm no longer an introvert? No. Many introverts aren't shy and never have been. Introverts can be quiet because we don't have to talk all the time, we enjoy listening, it's interesting. Also, a lot of introverts are uninterested in small talk.

Misconception 2: "Introverts aren't confident"

This is very similar to the first point, but I wanted to point out that simply because someone likes their own company or enjoys listening as opposed to talking doesn't mean they lack confidence. 

Confidence is an inner acceptance of self and sometimes people who seem the most confident, aren't and those who are quiet, are. 

Misconception 3: "Introverts are anti-social"

Introverts tend to want more alone time than social time, this doesn't mean we don't like being around people. I love socialising, I love a great night out with friends, I love deep conversations, I love spending a lot of good quality time with my family and I love being around my partner. I also love singing my heart out and dancing around the house by myself, I enjoy laying in bed with a good book on my own and one of my favourite things to do alone is contemplate life and why we're here. I just love my own company, I'm excited when my partner offers to take the kids out and I get the whole house to myself.

Misconception 4: "If an introvert is shy and awkward then becomes confident and cool, they've become an extrovert"

As I said in the first point, not all introverts are shy. Shy and introvert are two different things, you can have shy introverts as well as confident introverts and you can have shy extroverts as well as confident extroverts. 

I was shy and gained confidence, people tell me all the time how confident I am; a social butterfly, I love being around people but I'm still an introvert. I'm still more inside myself than outside, I still love contemplating life and spending time by myself to wonder. You're either one or the other, it doesn't change. 

Misconception 5: "Introverts can't get ahead because they're too quiet, shy, anti-social and lack confidence"

Albert Einstein
Martin Luther King Jr. 
Mahatma Gandhi
J.K. Rowling
Mark Zuckerberg
Barack Obama
Bill Gates
Nicole Kidman
Audrey Hepburn
Christina Aguilera...

There are many successful introverts, I chose 10 of the most famous and successful introverts to show you that they can get ahead and I also wanted to show their diversity; scientists, leaders, programmers, actors and singers...  

Misconception 6: The biggest misconception "Extroverts are better than introverts"

We all know really, deep down, that introverts are better than extroverts... Hehe, just kidding. No one is better than anyone else but unfortunately because of the previous misconceptions many people think it's better to be an extrovert and even think introverts need "fixing". The truth is, both have different strengths and flaws and even then, how those come out depends on each individual. 

As an introvert, I can only speak from the perspective of one and I love being an introvert. I can't get enough of deep thinking and profound conversations. I love contemplating why we're here and who we are beyond our senses and I love to wonder about life after death, other dimensions and reality itself. 

I see my inside world as bigger and more profound than the outside, I'm aware that our internal thoughts, feelings, beliefs and expectations shape our reality and I enjoy becoming more aware of my inner self consistently. 

No matter who you are, introvert or extrovert, find your strengths within yourself and appreciate them because they mold who you are as an individual which profoundly adds to the whole of humanity. Embrace yourself and be the best you, you can be.



  1. Smiles.
    Belinda, you talk a lot of truth in your write up.
    I'm introvert also but kinda public figure. So I agree with you.

    1. Thanks :)
      Public figure and an introvert, you're an example of introverted without being shy then :)

  2. Great insights Belinda!

    When I was young, I used to excel in my academic life but people around me are having issues with my lack of PR. That used to affect and took it badly.

    Now that I'm mature, I realize that there isn't really anything that I have to fix in myself. I'm an introvert and I love immersing myself deeply in my thoughts and feelings. It's part of the unique personality that defines me.

    I love what you wrote on the last paragraph:

    "Find your strengths within yourself and appreciate them because they mold who you are as an individual...Embrace yourself and be the can be."

    1. That's great to realise there isn't anything you have to fix in yourself!

      I'm glad you enjoyed the post and I hope it's helped you embrace yourself and all that you bring to the world!

