We are all individual, unique expressions of the divine. We are the oneness or consciousness of all, experiencing itself from many different angles. We have individual paths. Life's journey is unique for all and we can celebrate our individuality as well as our oneness.
Find self love in celebrating who you are as a unique expression, your personality mixed with your life experience and desires are part of which makes up you. You have unique concepts and opinions working together to motivate your actions. You have unique desires not only for yourself but for the world too.
We can learn to love others in recognizing they are playing out their unique expression too. All paths are divine. Whether we define it as wrong or right, good or bad is irrelevant. We have the opportunity to learn from one another, we feel inspired by each others art and expression, we react negatively and positively to each others words and actions and through this we can learn a great deal about ourselves.
Even that which we judge as negative, we can be grateful for as it allows us to further define what we desire and then choose that which feels positive instead. Negativity also causes us to question and this questioning may lead us to mindfulness where we experience our true self, our self as one with all, our self as the divine.
As we individually walk our paths and grow, we are also assisting the whole to expand. Each experience births a new idea or concept, we constantly push boundaries and invent new things; we discover more whether it be within the scientific realm, religious realm, anywhere in between or even within oneself. We are discovering who we are individually and collectively.What a beautiful world.
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