Monday, 30 November 2015

There's a Secret in Meditation

There's a secret in meditation. It's not that it's purposely kept from us, it's simply that there are no words to describe it, no meaning to define it. One can only point the way for you to discover it for yourself. 


It's a place, a feeling, a sense, a harmony, a connection, it's bliss... it's all of those and yet so much more. It's here, in the now, in those one of a kind moments, like a baby being born or the "I do's" of a marriage. 


It's in nature, all around us, in the rustling of the trees, the beauty of flowers and the songs of the birds.


It's in the sea, the mountains and the forests. It's in the volcanoes and the storms. It's in the clouds, the sky and the stars, it's all through the universe. 


 It's in your best friend's laughter, the sparkle in your loved ones eyes. It is the potential limitless within the perceived limitations. It's between the silence and the sound, it's in art and music.


It's in you, it's the you that is, that always has been and always will be. The you who you don't realise you are and yet know you are. It is the awareness of your thoughts and feelings. 

When you find it, it's like finding the rarest and yet most abundant treasure. You wish you could give it to the world, you wish there were words to describe it or one thing that could show it to everyone but you also realise that it's best discovered.


It is that which dissolves all your problems in a way that transcends them. You experience what it's like to be and know consciousness itself, you understand the purpose of it all, even for a split second only to forget again, but you know that this is part of the plan too because to forget and then remember brings the deepest appreciation of life and consciousness.


 And although you know you've found it, the depth of your experience of it never ends. You feel as though you've unlocked the secret of the world and yet you keep expanding and discovering more...




Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Law of Attraction Success Story - True Love

I have many successful Law of Attraction stories and I find reading stories very motivating so I thought I'd share one with you today and eventually share many of them in my blog.

I think for me, my most profound story would be love because that's what I value most in this world. I had had an abusive childhood and then did the typical transition to an abusive relationship. After 6 years, I finally escaped the situation but unfortunately found myself in another one. Thankfully that one only lasted 8 months and I was out of there. 

I had been practicing spirituality and self growth for about 4 years by this point. I had been dabbling in the Law of Attraction over that time too with only small purposeful successes. When I felt ready, I decided to look for love again. I wrote down what I wanted in a partner. I'd written things like, someone I find attractive, confident, spiritual etc. I eventually met someone who was spiritual but everything else about him was the opposite of me so it never went anywhere. 

With no luck, I eventually found myself frustrated so I decided to stop looking. "I don't need someone else to love me, I'm going to stay single for a while and love myself". I practiced self love by finding all the things I felt grateful for about me. I hadn't really felt loved by anyone other than my beautiful children and it felt wonderful to give myself love. I meditated and felt my true inner self and found appreciation for the unique expression that was me. 

It was towards the end of 2010 and my friends and I had made plans to go out for New Year's Eve. At the last minute, my friend said she didn't feel like going out and asked me if the group of us would like to stay in. I was deeply disappointed and complained to my brother who was over for the holidays. He approached me later and invited me to go along with him to a cocktail party with some of his old friends he used to attend church with. 

This was my opportunity to go out so I went along with him. When we arrived, my brother introduced me to a lady in the kitchen, Nicky. We then went outside and he introduced me to the guy behind the bar, Tom. I made the assumption that they were the man and woman of the house, a married couple so when I met Tom and found him very attractive I was disappointed and immediately told myself to not look at a married man!

We had a fun time through out the night and I kept innocently noticing the bar man with his dreads and charming confidence. He was the life of the party. Someone like that would never go for me, even if he wasn't married.

Part of the fun of the party was that all the cocktails were sexual like sex on the beach or screaming orgasm. As I was shy, I didn't want to say the names so I just pointed to screaming orgasm. Both Tom and his friend Chris were serving that night so Tom pushed Chris out the way and said "He doesn't know how to give orgasms, let me make you one". What makes it funny, other than that pathetic line, is that he then completely screwed up the drink but polite me, just walked off sipping it.

I mingled and mostly followed my brother around, quite late into the night as we stood in a group, through conversation I found out that Tom and Nicky were brother and sister. Oops! I still assumed he was married, someone would have to be married to this confident hottie... lucky bitch.

Later on in our drunken madness we were dancing, it was after midnight and we were all having fun. All of a sudden Tom pulled me into him! "He's NOT married!" I thought. "Yes!". We danced and kissed and I really liked him, hoping he wasn't just trying to hook up with me and dump me the next day. 

We then were making out and he said to me, "I really like you, I'd like to see you again, can I see you again?" My heart skipped a beat. Was I dreaming? He wasn't just trying to hook up for the night.

My brother accidentally drank too much and we had to stay the night so Tom and I lay cuddling all night. The next day we started to get to know each other some more. Everything he said, I replied with, "Me too". He told me he enjoyed drawing... me too, he said he liked to sing... me too,  he said he was very spiritual... me too. I eventually stopped saying me too because I was afraid he might think I have no life and am just agreeing with him! It amazed me just how much we had in common!

We have now been together in the best relationship for nearly 5 years. We realised that we had gotten together after midnight that night, making our anniversary the 1/1/'11. We were both immediately attracted to each other and we tick all the boxes to say we're twin flames.

From Tom's perspective that night, he was trying to chat me up many times and I kept walking off. I was completely oblivious! He ticked all the boxes on my list of what I wanted in a relationship and exceeded my wildest dreams. 

He had done exactly the same as me, he wrote down everything he wanted in a partner. Couldn't find what he was looking for so he gave up and decided to stay single and just love himself and then he met me and I was everything he was looking for.

I defined what I wanted, visualised it, believed it, then let it go and practiced gratitude of what I had already. It came back to me better than expected. 

I hope that by sharing my story, you can feel confident in manifesting your dreams. 



Friday, 13 November 2015

Loving the Body

My Journey of Getting Past Body Image Issues

I've had body image issues for a long time,  well ever since I can remember. It's such a long term old habit that it's hard to break. I don't remember exactly when it started but I know I was anorexic at 13 and although I stopped starving myself, I never started to love my body.  I'm now 28, that's a decade and a half of hatred towards my body and don't even get me started on the other parts of myself. I've practiced gratitude, a lot of meditation and dabbled in affirmations and I've finally put my foot down and said it's time to really love myself. It's time for me to break the old habits and give myself the love I deserve.

 I actually started a few weeks ago. I began using affirmations and used Louise Hay's advice of standing in the mirror and telling myself I love me. I practice a lot of self awareness. I'm a massive analyzer and I've learned how to break through my old thought patterns. I hear my thoughts and sense my feelings with it and I ask myself where the thoughts and feelings have come from. If I'm stuck I talk to my guides and higher self. I find that as I focus on an old thought with awareness I hear that it's just an old thought pattern that I don't actually believe anymore.

 I'm now slowly replacing the old thoughts with new ones. As I do this, I've begun to realise how crazy my old thoughts were. Don't get me wrong,  I still fall back into the old thoughts, I just hope I won't eventually. Here I am, as are you, a divine being, a soul if you will, having a human experience. A wonderful, unique expression of life itself. I'm blessed to be in a full functioning body, living in a rich society with all my needs met abundantly and spoilt with our first world luxuries like technology and leisure items. I'm so lucky, especially compared to those struggling to meet their basic needs. I have everything and then some (and I'm considered poor in this country). Yet there I stand, worried and insecure about my body shape. Comparing myself to a teenage, photoshopped model in a shop window. Are we mad? How or why is "body image" even a thing? We are all so amazing in our unique expression of consciousness.

The next crazy realisation I had was that we put pretend food that's made up of poisonous chemicals into our bodies and say we're treating ourselves. Spoiling ourselves is actually more towards the truth but think about an apple that is spoiled, it's rotten. To treat ourselves would be to eat real food and to tell ourselves we deserve to be healthy. This is showing ourselves and our bodies love and appreciation.

 I also realised that we give our loved ones love, respect and support but we forget to take the time to give this same care to ourselves. Imagine a world where we loved ourselves, each other and the Earth.  Where everyone felt secure in themselves. Be the change you want to see in the world.

We live in a society where we've forgotten what healthy means, with our ego's saying we want to be healthy but deep down the ego just wants to look good. Since our goal is about our looks, we make unhealthy choices like eating less than we need or we may binge on unhealthy pretend foods. We also have unrealistic and unobtainable goals for our bodies and feel insecure when we can't reach them.

Choices I'm making now to love and care for my body: (that you can too)

1. I show myself love and care which then leads me to want to feed my body real foods that nourish me. You may like my other post: Self Love: 10 Things to do to show yourself love.

2. I Choose to appreciate my body and say, "I love you,  body" instead of "I love my body" This takes away the ego identification with the body and motivates me to feed my body amazingly healthy foods. 

3. I check all labels of what I'm eating and avoid any fake lab made chemicals that are harmful to my body. I source non-GMO and organic foods.

4. I respect animals, and in turn myself, and only eat free range.

5. I stand in the mirror and use affirmations. I even stand nude and appreciate my unique shape and am grateful to have a healthy full functioning body that has healthily carried 3 children.

6. When I hear negative or shallow thoughts that dis-empower me, I remind myself that it's just old habits. I purposely let those thoughts and feelings go and choose positive, empowering ones instead.

7. If I do slip backwards and awareness, meditation and gratitude aren't helping, I allow my feelings and forgive myself.

I'm sure over time I will let go of many more negative insecure thoughts, feelings and actions that come from lack of self love. I'm excited about what future I'm creating as I begin to love and value myself. I just hope that by sharing this, you will too, choose to love yourself by taking time for you, caring for you, giving yourself love and admiration and making choices that serve you.



Monday, 9 November 2015

8 Benefits I love from Meditation

1. I simply enjoy meditation

In the past, I knew many benefits to meditation so I thought it was a good idea to practice everyday. However, since at that time I felt I should meditate, I was never motivated to, when I tried, I found it difficult and I'd go weeks without meditating. I eventually let go and realised no one has to do anything. I actually meditate daily now but only because I look forward to it and enjoy it. I love the relaxation and peace and I love connecting to my higher self and guides. I enjoy feeling one with everything.

 2. Gratitude

Sometimes during meditation, I practice gratitude or my guides remind me to be grateful. I love remembering how abundant and prosperous my life is, through gratitude I realise how lucky I am to have all of my needs met abundantly and then some! I remember that there are others who lack their basic needs and I feel very lucky to live in such a rich society.


3. De-stress

I usually choose to meditate when I feel stressed and almost immediately feel better. As I sit quietly and go within myself I find relaxation and peace.

 4. Problem Solving

During meditation I connect with my higher self and guides and find solutions to any problems I'm experiencing. I have many great epiphanies during meditation, transcending any limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns.

5. Letting go of self doubt

My ego creeps in with thoughts of self doubt but as I meditate I realise it's just old negative thought patterns from the past that aren't true and I'm able to let them go and stop identifying with them. 

6. A Great Start to My Day

I love starting the day with the peace and bliss meditation brings, I feel more energized, clear headed and positive as I start my day.

7. Finding my True Inner Self

As I meditate I go within myself sensing and feeling my true self, the divine energy which is the me beyond this world. I sense myself as one with everyone and everything, knowing that I am the awareness of my thoughts and feelings not the thoughts and feelings themselves. This brings me to know my true self and to know I am whole and fulfilled as I am.

8. The Crazy Wonderful Experiences

Sometimes I have very deep meditations, other times they're apt but weird, sometimes I go on amazing journeys but most of the time I feel amazing. I've felt energy, met guides, understood and known my higher self, seen other worlds, felt all sorts of sensations, seen other people's guides, broken through old negative thought patterns and had amazing epiphanies. My guides have shown me metaphors such as my heart being a walled off castle to show me I've walled myself in. These experiences keep me going back for more.  

What benefits of meditation do you love?

Happy meditating :)



Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Gratitude is Awesome

I love practicing gratitude and if I'm honest, I don't think I do it enough! When I do find myself floating in a pool of inner bliss due to the contemplation of just how damn spoilt I am I question as to why I don't appreciate life more often.

When I first tried to practice some gratitude, nothing happened. I didn't get it. It clicked when someone said, the practice of gratitude is realising how lucky you are in comparison to those worse off than you. As I thought about my basic needs; food, clothing, water and shelter and compared what I had to those worse off than me, it hit me just how lucky I am. Some people lack food and I can open my full fridge and full pantry, whinge about the food I have because I don't feel like that and go to the shop to buy something else or sit in a restaurant and eat until I'm so full it hurts. 


Not only are all my survival needs met with abundance but I also have so many things that I enjoy having but don't need. I feel so happy and grateful to have been born into a society where our needs are easily met and we have the freedom to be, do and have whatever we want.

Today I'm specifically grateful for my beautiful children, our abundance of yummy and nutrient rich foods and the internet which allows me to connect to the world and learn about anything I'd like.

What are you grateful for today?

Have fun with it!



Monday, 2 November 2015

Self Love

We give our loved ones affection and appreciation but we forget the most important person in our lives. Our selves! When we love ourselves, we are better able to love those around us, we have more energy and oomph for life and we're happier.

Here's 10 things to do to show yourself love. 

1. Tell yourself you love you. 

Stand in the mirror and and tell yourself how much you love, adore and appreciate you. This may feel hard at first but with practice everyday you will come to love yourself more and more.

2. Make a list of the things you love about yourself. 

Your skills, talents, traits, beliefs and values. Be creative if you like and use different colours to write, write anywhere on your page and/or draw pictures along with your words.

3. Take time for yourself regularly. 

 I used to think it would be selfish to take time for myself, especially as a mum! However, I realised when I take time for me to meditate and take care of myself I'm more present and pleasant with others and have more energy for other tasks in my day. 

4. Forgive yourself. 

We all make mistakes, forgive yourself for your mistakes and forgive yourself for judging yourself when you've made a mistake. 

5. Feed yourself wonderful food to provide your body with nutrition and vitality. 

Show your body love and appreciation by feeding it nutritious delicious food and eat it mindfully, enjoying the experience. Feel grateful that we live in such a wonderfully food rich society where all of our needs are met abundantly. 

6. Listen to your heart. 

At times, we may feel low, perhaps something isn't going the way you'd like or you're just having a bad day. Take some time to sit in quiet contemplation, ask your higher self and guides for assistance and work out your problems. Try not to suppress your feelings as they will cause other problems later, know that the answers you need are within you and work towards letting go.

7. Spend your time and energy on people and things you love. 

Sometimes our lives become full of toxicity; people who suck our energy dry and things we feel we have to do but don't like doing. Spend more time with people who love you and find gratitude in the things you do. As you focus more and more on love, toxic people and things will drop away over time. 

8. Accept that life has ups and downs. 

You can't have only one side to a coin. Good and bad only exist in contrast to one another. I used to believe that life could all be peaches and cream and hoped one day everything would just fall into place and I'd live happily ever after. What I didn't realise, is that by holding onto this belief I was hurting myself because I was unable to handle the downs that came after the ups and would even spend time in the highs just waiting in dread for things to go wrong. Now that I've accepted the highs and the lows, I'm grateful for the lows as they're an indication that I would like something to change and they make the highs feel good in contrast. 

9. Love your strengths and your flaws. 

No one's perfect and if we were, what would be the fun in that? There'd be no room for discovery, change and growth. Love all of your traits that make up the unique and wonderful you.

10. Give yourself affection. 

Hug yourself, kiss yourself, do things for you that you would do for a loved one. Value you and show yourself that you know you deserve love and affection. Give yourself the same attention you would give to someone else you love.

Wishing you love and light




Hey, I'm Belinda, welcome to my blog and please make yourself comfortable.

I love all things deep and spiritual and want to share my inner light, love and findings here with you. I enjoy meditation and deep contemplation of life itself. I like to analyze and question reality and our concepts. Join me here as I share my insights and epiphanies with you.

I hope you enjoy your stay.

